Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Three Classifications Of the Human Male
07-28-2004 E 3:46 p.m.
The way I see it, there are three groups of males in this universe:(Of course, there are just as many--or more--groups of females, but that opinion is neither here nor there in this entry.) Now, these groups don't have set boundaries as nobody is infallible, so most males can, depending on the day and their moods, slip from one category to the next and back. Some are just jerks, period.

So, how do I classify them, and why did I separate the terms "guys" and "men?" Aren't they used to identify the same thing? And why am I doing this? you may be asking.

Well, let me answer this backwards in hopes of making more sense.

Why am I doing this?
Well, of course, this has something to do with Kirk and a male somewhat in Heather's life. But mostly it has to do with an opinion I've formed today after talking with several males over the past month.

*stills* It's been a month since I met Kirk on Yahoo!. He'd known the girl he was interested in before me a month when he found me. *bites lip* I'm getting sidetracked here and a bit paranoid. (Yes, he wanted me back, so it's on again. *knocks on wood*)

How do I classify them, and why did I separate the terms "guys" and "men?"
I did not include the second question because it kinda feeds into this one, so once I answer this first one you'll understand (hopefully) my convoluted thinking. Yes, those terms are synomynous with each other in reference to the human male, and I interchange them all the time myself. But I think there is a slight difference in the definitions.

A "man" is more than an adult male. Some parents, older brothers or fellow peers are forever telling boys to "Grow up; be a man!" By this they mean "Quit being a baby! Suck it up and show some responsibility."

Well, to me, being an adult male and shouldering responsibility aren't the only two things that make someone a man.

A guy is a step or three down. He is a work in progress on a secondary level.And we all know jerks are just...jerks. Men and guys slip into this group every once in awhile, but the good thing is they cross back over.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
~Chief Seattle~

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