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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
(My) Theory On Human Connectivity
04-23-2004 E 6:14 p.m.
I want it to be tomorrow so I'll know if P-O-Y picked the topic I submitted to it or not. It's an excellent topic for debate and thought and deserves to be chosen 'cause it has relevance for our country. It was inspired by an email I received late last month. Anyways I will be so thrilled if it gets chosen. If not, I will still write about it anyway.
Going back to reincarnation, I restate I do not believe in it. I believe we have one life to live on this earth and afterwards our souls move on to another plane of existence to continue our progression into eternity. Beyond that and my personal theory on spirits and ghosts, I must admit my certainty and knowledge of the afterlife is limited to what the church teaches its members. I do not know about and therefore cannot explain such phenomena as past life regressions (PLRs). But they fascinate me, every story I've ever heard or read about concerning them.

People who've done past life regression or discovered they've "had" past lives through methods other than hypnosis say it's like having an extra set of memories or an extra knowledge out of the blue they can't explain having. But yet this knowledge, these memories, are there.

I don't think some people who claim to have experienced this phenomena are lying. I think they are very sincere and have experienced or recalled these "memories" from whatever method was used on them. I just don't agree it was a past life, though I cannot explain, as I've said, what these "memories" are exactly. All I can come up with is a weak theory on strong emotional or other ties between certain people in the Pre-Existence (Heaven) that transcends all comprehension in the mortal realm. (Remember, there is a lot about the mind that has yet to be charted or discovered; we only use about 10% of our brain.) And Oprah talked about human connctivity in one of her shows. I cannot remember her exact words, but basically we're all connected in some way, whether living or dead, to each other. And that I believe. That also seems to support my theory of strong ties between certain people.

When I read Heather's entry for this week's P-O-Y I was a bit disturbed and hurt. I understand why she would choose to drink the soup; life hasn't been so hot for her lately. But it stung more than a bit that she would choose to forget me--even with huge regrets at doing so. I know it was selfish of me to be hurt and think of that the first thing after reading her feelings, but it was my honest reaction. The survivor and optimist in me cannot totally imagine wanting to forget everything...even though there have been actions and decisions within the last six to seven years I wish I could forget and blot out from my memory forever.

But later Heather amended her initial thoughts. We are soul sisters, each believing we were meant to find each other. With that in mind, Heather is sure we'd find each other again if she did drink the soup. Simple me, I was easily comforted by this logic. And I'm almost sure of it myself.

What brought greater comfort was an instance I read on the Internet while looking up PLRs after that one Unsolved Mysteries episode that sparked the idear for a continuation entry on reincarnation. These two ladies went in for past life regressions for several months together. One would observe while her friend went under hypnosis and vice versa. It came out they had had several past lives. And in each one of these "lives" the other friend had always been there for the one in one capacity or another. I hope my close friends have and always will be there like this.

Like I said, I cannot explain what these experiences or "memories" are or what they mean actually. All I have is my theory of human connectivity.

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