Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sensitive Topic: Homosexuals
11-01-2003 E 2:12 p.m.
Yay! I think I finally got IE 6 off my computer and IE 5.5 back on; I hope, I hope at least. Let's see if it makes a better difference.

I also redownloaded an html editor, though not the one I really want, but a good one that will do in a pinch. I've been itching with the notion of a new layout for a month now, though I haven't decided what to do on it. I've uploaded or saved some images I like, and I've been design hunting for ideas, but nothing's concrete yet. I'm not yet through with my current design. Who knows what I'll come up with...

I was surfing the other night through the Dland banners and came across this journal by happenstance. **WARNING: The title of this entry is what caught my eye, thus you should know it's a sensitive topic.** If you do not want to read further on what I have to say on homophobia or homosexuals, then it's ok to change the page. I won't feel bad, at all.

After seeing the title, my inherent curiosity--someday it may get me in trouble yet--had me wanting to see what she (I'm assuming she's a she because of the handle hbetty) had to say. First off, I agree with her on the Hate Monument. No true Christian who truly believed in Christ's principles and followed in His footsteps would ever raise such a momument. I hope this reverend doesn't get enough support or funds to raise his stupid monument.

Second...I'm not sure what my views on gay people are. I don't quite agree that it's a defect, but at the same time I don't know what to call it. While I don't agree with and will never be lesbian, to me gays are just people who choose to live in an alternative lifestyle. It's a choice, perhaps an instinct, not a defect. They're people who should not be looked down on, persecuted or have rights taken away just because they're different.

Yes, I fall under the category of those who believe hetrosexuality is the *searches for the correct word* intended way Heavenly Father meant for us to live. But that not mean gays are bad. *sigh* I guess in my bumbling, long-winded way I'm trying to say "I'm proud to be hetrosexual, but let the gays live as they please." It'll all be sorted out in the end anyway.
Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.
~Oprah Winfrey~

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moon phase


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