Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Friday Five: A True Hero Is...
04-18-2003 E 7:00 p.m.
This is going to be a quick one with just the Friday Five questions I made up. I have neither the time nor inclination today to ramble about emotions or observations or opinions.

1) What is a hero to you?

A hero is anyone who is brave enough to stand up for their beliefs and morals and has the integrity to live by them whether or not those beliefs and morals are popular. A hero also faces necessary danger without running and risks her/his life for those of others.

2) Do you believe there are heroes today, and if so who is your hero?

I do believe in heroes, and anybody who acts bravely to save another in the aftermaths of disasters are heroes or whomever stands up for right is a hero. I really don't have a hero whom I'd call a role model, but I do admire the 1st Nephi in the Book of Mormon and Captain Moroni comes to mind.

3) Who's a hero in your life? Why?

My sister, Kami. She's gone through so much this past year, yet she's handled it as only a true hero could.

4) What or who is not your idea of a hero?

Someone who is a hypocrite, a coward.

5) Do you think you are a hero? Why or why not?

I would say...no. I am just an average person. I have done nothing yet and am not likely to do anything heroic. I'm just average...but then, I never know how I will affect the lives of others. I just hope I can be a good, a happy influence.
Good character, like soup, is made at home.

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moon phase


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