Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Egypt, Feeling Blue
03-28-2005 E 7:52 p.m.
*tired meow and big feline yawn* What a day. Both my human and I feel like we've been through the wringer, as you humans like to say. Yep, it's me again, your favorite tabby of cyberspace, Eygpt. My human, Shiloh, didn't feel like updating so I'm taking over, one-pawed. Though I warn you, I'm still a bit woozy from whatever the vet gave me earlier to make me sleep, so this will be a short entry.

You humans have another saying. "The typical Monday Blues." Or blahs, as the case may be. It's sure been a Blue Monday for us here. The cold, bleak weather added just the right atmospheric touch too. And even though the wet drops of water haven't fallen from the sullen gray sky yet, looking at Mama's face I can tell she's been releasing wetness of her own. She looks tired and sad, her eyes red and sore as if she's been crying a lot lately. I know she was worried for me, but really, I'll be all right. I've been through worse cat fights than this and come out the victor. *remembering the white cat who lost a tuft of her fur when we went claws to claws in combat*

I just was unlucky this time. I didn't react as lightning fast as I should have and dodged when the other cat bit my paw. His fangs sunk deep enough that within two days of the fight my left forepaw was swollen half its usual size and was so painfulk I couldn't stand to put pressure on it. And if my entire fur coat, though nicely striped it is, could've been shed I would have shed it all off in an instant. I was so hot. The man who prodded my sore paw when we (the nice lady Mama calls Mom, the kid called Jon and I) got to the sterile place jokingly asked if my hobby is baseball, because I had "a good-sized catcher's mitt there." Whatever baseball is. Some entertainment you bipeds enjoy, I suppose.

Though I have to tell ya, in my pain, it was a poor joke to these feline ears. The nice lady had worried my foot was broken and so had the kid help take me to the doc's to help me get better, she said. Luckily, as I mentioned before, it was just a nasty bite. I could have told her that, or anyone for that matter if they would have only listened. I did find out why I wanted to go around in my birthday suit, however. I had a fever of a 105!!

As for my human though, I know something more than my own poor state, even in my woozyness, was the cause for her crocodile tears. She'll have to tell you all tomorrow. For now I have humans wanting to give me medicine, and I'm getting very tired. *another big feline yawn and sleepy meow*

Egypt, signing off.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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