Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
It's Family Picture Time!
03-16-2003 E 4:05 p.m.
"Let's go over here."

"Where's the fountain?"

"Do we have to do this? Shouldn't we do it when it's warmer?"

"How about this tree over here?"

"I don't wanna go through the mud. We shoulda gone to the park."

"Ok, everybody over here. You squat down here by her, and you, son, stand just behind them, and you, young lady stand over on the other side against the tree. Ok, smile!"

"Ok, now pick out where you want individual pictures."

"Let's go by the bridge."

Aahhh, family pictures. Those torturous, bittersweet moments where your parents insist on all of you clumping like still-lifes for interminable minutes while you wait for that click! of the button to announce your freedom and the return of animation. Unless, of course, they want multiple poses.

Family portraits, for my family, are an adventure most times. First off, we kids don't wanna dress for it if we're already in comfy clothes. Mom digs in her heels about it and tells in no uncertain terms that we are going to do this, whether we like it or not. Dad gets huffy if the camera doesn't work. Aubree pouts if she's gotten after for posing wrong or having to do it. I don't want to do because they just take the picture and don't tell me to reposition my head or neck if I look like I have a double chin or something. No, I just look dorky. They're a pain in the neck.

Today was family picture day, and it went typically as I pretty much described in the opening lines. Except Aubree fell out of the tree, nearly breaking the strap of her thong-style shoe; Jon was reprimanded for scaling the trunk and scampering up a thick branch (hanging on of course) upside down. And I certainly didn't want mud on my tires as I was sure Dad would complain if I tracked mud and dirt into the house.

Mom wanted pictures taken up at the Botanical Gardens over at the college before they are razed, because it will be two years before they will be reopened. But were there any flowers in the beds? No. Were the fountains turned on? No. Was there just wet, spongy grass and lotsa mud and twigs lying everywhere? Yes. Would it have been better to wait for warmer weather or just go to the park? Yes.

Even the camera didn't wanna cooperate. LOL. Dad took the tripod so he could time the pictures so we could aall be in it. Did it work? No. *smiles* But it worked nearly every time he wasn't in the pic. Even so, sometimes when he pushed the button it wouldn't go off.

"Is the timer blinking?"

"I think it is blinking."

"You just can't see it for the sun."

"Everybody just hold your pose, it can't last much longer."

"Has it clicked yet?"

After five minutes of squinting into the sun and no decisive click! could be heard, Dad walked over and experimentally pushed the button.


After three or four tries of this Dad gave up, decided the batteries were dying and we finally had a lady from Rigby take a few with her camera. Mom gave her our name and number so she can contact us when she develops them.

Is your family this exciting on Family Portrait day?
The one thing that doesn�t abide by majority rule is a person�s conscience.
~Harper Lee~

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