Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Ever More Decisions
07-19-2002 E 4:59 p.m.
I know you all wanted to know this, so I'm gonna tell ya: I decided to name the doll Patriotic Sue. She looks like a Sue or Susie; any name beginning with a P that I could think of didn't seem to fit. So she's Susie for short.

Yesterday was Evan's birthday. He would be 28. I haven't had any contact with him since he abruptly disappeared in the middle of our conversation last month. Since July 1st, I've debated on whether to send an ecard for his birthday. Last year he disappeared before my birthday and reappeared after his. I felt guilty for not sending one or even wishing him a merry one after he told me while he didn't expect to hear from me, he'd hoped he would. When he reappeared in my life again after a year and seemed to want to be a part of my life, I determined not to repeat my feelings of guilt for his birthday this year.

But he disappeared. And I would be an absolute fool to water down the fact that he's been a jerk and a coward towards me. The best thing to do would be to just go on without contact and if he comes back, firmly shut the door in his face, being the one to walk away. Which is what I should have done instead of acting friendly and inviting him in. In any case, yesterday went by without my sending him anything. And I don't feel bad.

Today was a day in which Kami, Aubree and I should have just been separated. I wasn't reacting to Aubree's attitude very well today and Kami was quick to judge. It made for a very heated afternoon, temperature aside. I vascillated between yes, Aubree is going camping with us and no, I'm not going to have her attitude on the trip. She can stay home. I'm still undecided. It would be fun to have her, but...would she respect me and be good in front of Kjerstina? And, if Natasja is still coming and they hit it off, would Aubree back off for Kjerstina's attention? In other words would it be a positive experience all around? I guess the deciding two factors will be if Natasja does come and Aubree's attitude. Well and Mom's ability for guilt trips, should I decide no.

Oh hey. We are no longer going to be a dry county. Restaurants will be allowed to serve wine, champagne and beer now. The 5-10% of non-LDS citizens of Madison will be happy.

Take the Which Spider-Man Character Are You? quiz by ZyberGoat

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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