Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Divine Heritage and Destiny
09-05-2002 E 5:39 p.m.
Ok, try number 2. Although this time it wasn't Dland's fault; 'twas mine. I hit the wrong combination of keys and was stuck in Shift mode. Oh well. But here's an example of a test that's obviously only meant for fun. It says my inner rock star is Britney Spears. Heaven help us. LOL
Feel it, sweetheart; the rock star in you is all Britney�the envy of cheerleaders everywhere. One part girl next door, one part naughty sex kitten, you're definitely not as innocent as you look. And that is why nobody can get enough of you. You are the ultimate American girl with some serious staying power. Unlike other success stories, you and Britney are more than just a pretty face: you've got talent, confidence, and the brains to back it up. With a talent list like yours it's no wonder you're at the top of the popularity charts and young men's hearts. We love you. Shout out your inner Britney!
Yeah, right. I'm part sex kitten. Uh huh. That's why I have guys lined up outside, beating my door down. Why my "friendships" with Evan and Stephen were ssooo successful. Ah well, I just had to laugh.

My neck and left shoulder are killing me. Maybe I pulled a muscle trying too hard with one of my "dance moves." LOL

Institute was good last night. A lil surprising in how and where he started our course. My class in Church History. But instead of starting out with Joseph Smith and his life, our teacher started with the Plan of Salvation--who we are and why we came to Earth and where we'll end up after we die. He likened zee plan to three acts in a play, saying most people are only familiar with Acts II and III, life on Earth and the Afterlife. Act I of course was the Pre-Existence where we dwelled with the Father before coming to Earth. He concentrated on this for most of the lesson. Most of this will probably sound a bit odd for those who aren't LDS, but I'll try and explain.

Despite having relatives who are of different religions than my immediate family, I know very little about other Christian religions, except for the basics of Catholicism. And of Budhism. So please bear with me. From what I understand some Christian religions believe we came from Heaven before being born here on Earth. Well, Heaven to them I guess is the Pre-Existence to us. (The other LDS souls that read this, please correct me if I go awry.) We believe we are spirit children of God. And it was in the Pre-Existence where Satan and his third rebelled and the War was fought.

Bro. C. focused on our time in the Pre-Existence. He wanted us to understand how we came into being as mere Intelligences to spirits or individual entities and after we die, returning to spirit form, what our destiny is. "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become." ~Joseph Smith~

Very exciting to think about. I know I have readers of other lifeways and I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable. If I am, it's ok if you quit on this entry. It's just so exciting to me to know we have a divine heritage and destiny. It was just awesome to have him [the teacher] reaffirm it.

Hopefully I haven't bored y'all or made ya uncomfortable. But I wanted to share my unique opening to my Institute class. Night...
"Beauty is a simple passion, but, oh my friends, in the end you will dance the fire dance in iron shoes."
~Anne Sexton~

LOL I love this quote. It reminds me of the fairy tale Snow White.

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moon phase


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