Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Why Couldn't He Accept It?
11-22-2002 E 3:33 p.m.
Joke of the day: Why did the skeleton go to the library?
� � � � A: To bone up on a few things!
Like father, like son they say. Jon sure exhibited this truth last night at bedtime. It started out as a joke, but by the end he was not a happy Jos�. I tend to get into logical spats with dear ole Dad sometimes or conversations about preciseness. Some are in fun; some are serious unfortunately. What can I say? Dad is an ex-Navy man.

Well, Jon and I got in a tug-of-war of wills over preciseness. I made a verbal checklist to see if I had everything done that I should have done before going to beddy-bye. I ended with, "Ok, I think I'm ready for bed."

Jon came back with, "You think you're ready? You're not sure?"

We laughed and bantered back and forth about what he thought I ought to say: I am ready, until I noticed it was quarter-to-twelve. Eeks! We needed to get to bed pronto, before a parent decided to come down and find out why we weren't in beddy-bye. So I got serious, though I couldn't keep a laugh from my voice when I said, "Ok Jon, ok. I'm ready."

Remember I said this was about preciseness? Well Jon didn't want to hear two words, he wanted to hear three. He joked about not being able to compute the reply. I once again stated "I'm ready" two or three more times, but still he refused to move from the sofa in the other room. Meanwhile time ticked on by. I told him I'd like to get to bed before Mom came down and told us to get our derrieres in bed.

His response: "I can go upstairs any time I want. I'm not the one who has to have help."

I think that's what made me sink my spurs in, so to speak. With Dad there is no winning in those type of conversations. I normally accquiece(sp?) because I respect him and he's my dad, and I grew up to respect my elders. But with Jonny...well, he's just my kid brother, and I know it was stupid to be so stubborn about it, but I didn't want to be the one who caved in...once again.

My playful mood was gone. I was tired and knew we should've been in bed an hour and a half ago. I let him know how I felt. "You know, I think it's despicable when people use your disadvantage to their advantage. Mom took advantage of the fact I couldn't walk when I was a child." If she wanted me to stay put somewhere I had no way of going anywhere, I had a manual and couldn't push it very well. "Dad talks of taking my breaks off and leaving me stranded." He's joking of course. But still...to even suggest it... And actually, Dad's done it before--taken my breaks off so I had to sit through Beaches. He doesn't remember that so...I just let it go.

Jon grew silent after that. Still, he did not move. I waited to see if he really was going to lie there until I gave in. He was. Finally, I said: "Jon, it's late, I wanna go to bed. I've said 'I'm ready' and that should be good enough."

He released a disgruntled sigh and launched himself from the sofa. His whole body language radiated displeasure. I bit my tongue to keep from saying something that might set him off. The whole thang was ridiculous, I know. I found no satisfaction from it believe me. But why couldn't he just be satisfied with I'm ready?

I also decided last night that if I'm to get this ghostly novel off the ground, I'd better just write it. I figured the prologue could just be a general piece as an attention getter to pull readers in, instead of trying to tie it in to the character's experiences. With that decided, it suddenly seemed easier to get it going. All I need to do is brainstorm for an original plot. Ha ha.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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