Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Stern Commentating
01-18-2002 E 7:12 p.m.
Hallo. Well I got two and a half thangs done on my list. Valley Medical and calling Susan were easy. And they both responded quickly too. I did start chapter 1 of Feminist Thought. So really, I got three thangs done. But...manitoba! Why are textbooks almost always so mindnumbingly vague?

Writers try to sound so important as they supposedly fill your brain with things that you will need to know in your chosen career. They go in a roundabout way to explain things, then at the end of the paragraph or in the conclusion of a chapter they sum up what they mean in one clear statement or paragraph. What is that all about? Don't they have enough clear examples or sources that will help take up the extra space if they write clearly so everyone can understand without having to reread one paragraph three times? Or do they think writing in a mumbo jumbo way will impress the reader and show him/her how important zee writer is?

Well, it doesn't impress me. I mean, if the author writes zis way, within six paragraphs my eyes start to glaze over and I go, "Huh?" Then I waste ten more minutes going over one 'graph three times. It's irritating! I spent from 11 to 2 on that one chapter, trying to get the main gist of each point or argument the author made. By then I was in no way willing to tackle another chapter even though it would be prof. writing. Even though it would be easier reading.

Oh! Dad has said he would take a picture of Egypt with his digital camera. So I'll be able ta load it on my computer and upload it ta Diaryland's server to post in an entry. He has grown. And I can't help thinking sometimes when looking at Egee Stockings would be the same size as him had she lived. Gosh, I loved her.

Mom and Dad are at Kami's game now. They are 16-0 in wins. Parents of the girls' b-ball team are thinking we'll take state this year. Hopefully tonight will be our 17th win.

Well, I have out of things to say. I mostly wanted to commentate on the textbook thing and a minor irritant between my parents and me, but I lost enough of my righteous indignation that it doesn't merit writing about. But... Last night I did get angry with Mom.

*sigh* I guess there is one more thing to talk about after all. But I'm tired of venting about minor troubles that seem so stupid later on. What will my children or descendants think? Yet...it irked me last night that I was treated as if I knew nothing about the topic at hand. Mom has done this every time she doesn't think I can do or know something. In high school when I told her I'd be taking Spanish, she blurted out, "You can't take Spanish! It's too hard."

Well, I got A-s, thank you very much. When I signed up for a math class that followed the previous course I'd taken, I was placed in another "easier" class. My sophmore year I was told to take an easy math class, so I took General Math. The teacher asked why I wasn't in Geometry the first day of class after learning I'd gotten a B in Algebra. Anyways, I'm digressing.

Last night Mike needed some family history information for an assignment. Mom was answering questions bout the [insert birth father's family's surname] as best as she could. I came in just before this when he was asking her about Dad. (My stepdad.) He was adopted by Grandma and Grandpa B and therefore had taken on their name. They started arguing about when he did so. They were basically saying the same thang in different ways. So I tried intervening to explain to her what he was saying. I was snapped at.

Finally she got through her skull what we were meaning. We moved on to Nan and Paw Paw. Now I'm close to my grandmother and had been a favorite of Grannie's (Nan's mother). I've also taken a Family History class at Ricks. Our big project was to do an 8 generation pedigree chart for both sides of our families. Mike now needed to know about Grannie. He asked her full name. I promptly and proudly said it. Mom looked at me like I didn't know what the heck I was talking about.

"No!" she scornfully denied. Then it occurred to me Paw Paw had given me pages of his and Nan's genealogy the October he and Nan had visited. I had Jen help me unearth them and, lo and behold, I was right. I am sssoo tired of being looked at and told I have no idea what I'm talking about. I am not dumb, I do think. I even think about the future.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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