Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Comet's Tail
07-21-2002 E 3:54 p.m.
(written for yesterday)
I am never going shopping with Mom and Aubree together again until Aubree is older. The day consisted of them going off into narrow recesses of dept. stores (mainly J.C. Penney) when an article of clothing caught their eyes, expecting me to trail along. Imagine a comet brilliantly streaking across the inky expanse of space studded with stars. Aubree and Mom are the head, I'm whatever is caught trailing in its long tail.

The day didn't start off all that bad, but it wasn't too good either. Aubree once again brought up the time when I injured her when we crashed into Mom's kitchen bench.

I'd had it. "Aubree, do you know the phrase 'forgive and forget?'"

Jen, who was brushing my hair said, "It's the funniest story--you guys should be laughing about it."

"Well, I do," Aubree said, then laughed to show it was funny to her.

It is a funny story, and I can laugh about it too...when it's not constantly thrown in my face.

"But it's left a scar..." she added.

My temper boiled over. I shouted more forcefully than I intended to. "Aubree, FORGET IT!"

Mom glared at me. "I'm not going to listen to you two argue all day."

Humph, that ended up being an ironic statement. I was the one who listened to them argue throughout the day. Especially at Sizzler over the menu. But despite them being off in their own universe, Sizzler was the only fun part of the day. (Hey, I got my Malibu Chicken lunch and strawberry lemonade. And it was where I was brought back into their orbit for awhile.)

Honestly, I didn't know how the day would go once we got down to the mall. But I didn't expect to be expected to trail after two people like space debris in a comet's tail. I thought maybe we'd see something Aubree liked and Mom liked, try it out and move on to another place. Perhaps find something I liked or that Mom liked. You know, move as a united unit, browsing together, instead of focusing on one person, the second one giving feedback and the third (me) having to remain in aisles when the spaces between racks of clothing were too narrow. As I told Heather, what was I supposed to do? Sit in the aisle and block the way for other customers? No.

I snuck off at least four times. Hey, I realized if I were to have any "me time" it would be on my own. My defections were only noticed once. Then sack holding my purchase gave away my last defection. Then I waited nearly half an hour near Kami's food place at the mall for them to end their shopping spree. It was a waste of a day, sad to say.
An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

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moon phase


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