Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Amid a Chaos of Distraction Some Things Do Get Done
05-04-2004 E 5:57 p.m.
Ok, moving on. I formed a mental list last night in bed of the things I needed/wanted to do today. Of the six or so things I came up with I'm on the third item--in no particular order here. Of course, updating in this journal right now is a sidetrack to what I meant to do here on Diaryland. But that's been par-for-the-course today, getting things done--slowly--amid the chaos of distraction.

I got on today with the intention--yeah, you know what they say about good intentions and Hell--of updating my dream journal and then updating Sunshine Design. I then had planned (last night) to move to Dad's computer so I could email the people who are waiting for responses. (And I owe quite a few to people--though one will be most interesting to respond to, of which I'll explain later.)

But almost from the moment I signed on I had three people vying for my attention on MSN. And what with my computer's processor suffering a lingering death and freezing up so many times a day anymore I didn't dare open a browser while holding three conversations at once. So, it was more like an hour to an hour and a half later that I was free...but then I started doing the puzzle I have had laid out since Sunday. (As I said, chaos of distraction.)

But I'm here now in a roundabout way, thanks again to the chaos of distraction, doing an update. Granted, it's not the update I had planned (for this journal or for the journal I had in mind), but hey, go with the flow, eh? (I still have to update Dreams-USA.) But I have updated Sunshine Design and worked a bit on the puzzle. Not much, I know. =os

The other items--the emails, a letter to Milo, the second half of my unicorn historic--will have to wait till tomorrow. It's too late now, by the time I get done with both updates, have dinner and work a lil more on the puzzle.

What I should have done is gotten on Dad's comp first and responded to the emails, then gotten on my own comp and updated, chatting with those I normally chat with if they were on. That way I would have gotten more accomplished and not been caught in the chaos of distraction such as I was.

Before I go to update my other journal let me tell you about that interesting email. A few days ago it arrived in my "Bulk Mail" folder. I was surprised yet really intrigued, and I have been racking my brain ever since trying to remember if he is the guy I'm thinking of.

About four years ago when I decided, What the hey, why not check out the personals? on Yahoo! and Hotmail I started exchanging several emails with this one guy (on Yahoo!). It didn't go beyond the banal niceties and I didn't feel any lasting interest there anyway, so the emails dropped off. But this is what he wrote:

Hi there,

I may be mistaken but I remember you giving me your e-mail in a chatroom. Just wanted to say hello see what you're up to.

Hope to stay in touch,


I'm trying to remember if J.T. was the name of the guy I talked to--or emailed--once upon a time. Yet the name 'Christopher' stands out for some reason, but again I'm not entirely certain that that's right too. So tomorrow, among the things I aim to finish--note I did not say "intend"--I'll write back and see if he responds.

Don't drive defensively, buy a tank.

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moon phase


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