Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Quick Catch Up
07-07-2003 E 5:06 p.m.
I know, I know. I've left you hanging for the rest of the trip, and I'm sorry to say this...but I'm gonna leave ya hanging for one more night. I'm too tired right now to give the rest of our time in Yellowstone the justice it should receive because it was an awesome trip. I don't wanna skimp on it.

I've really neglected this poor thing in trying to get a new layout to work. I wanted to do one with a rose fairy in an open book template, but I know next to nothing about designing tables and their placement, so even with good help I had to nix that idee. I moved on to a butterfly/Chinese motif with the basic template I have now, but after working on images for it the colors were driving me wild. Not that they aren't pretty--I love teal and lavender together. However, I could tell with the impatient mood I was in that day, I would quickly grow bored. Next was an Native American motif I still may use with this template, now I've figured how to manipulate the width and height of the different parts of the table. I wasn't satisfied with how the set was coming out so...onto the current set. Just in time fer my birthday too. It was time fer a change.

Not a whole heck of a lot has happened in the five days of my self-imposed absence. Only two major things:

1) I've come to a couple conclusions and
2) Kami's decided I'm moving out in November.
The first conclusion I made this past week was I apparently do not have the knack of picking out first rate shows. Witchblade has not been advertised or aired on TNT for a third season. It would have been in its third week by now. think it sucks because it was getting to be quite exciting. Then there is my favorite Irish tale, a tv miniseries, Leprechauns. I tried finding pictures for it online and came across a review for it. Let's just say it wasn't favorable. The reviewer thought the effects were lame and the acting poor. He called the storyline unimaginative and contrived, I believe. But I loved it! It's a cross between Romeo and Juliet and Irish lore.

Then there is Mr. Wrong with Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Pullman. A reviewer also thought this was a lame movie. He even called it a desperate attempt on Ellen's part to give the impression she was straight when everyone knew she was a lesbian in the closet. I just thought her performance (and Bill Pullman's) was great. I think they made great opposites on the screen. I laughed my head off. She's a great comedian.

I've forgotten the second conclusion I made, but if I remember it the next time I update, I'll definitely add it.

Kami's come home for the summer and this past Monday, declared in the mist of a conversation that I was moving out this summer.

"You're moving out," she said. "While I'm home we're going apartment hunting."

Startled, I looked at her wide-eyed. "I am? We are?"

"Yep, you need your own place."

Ooookkk.... What prompted this? I thought. She was just taking over my life. Amused, I rejoined, "Mom says I have to give her four months notice so she can find another source of income."

As if she didn't hear my last statement Kami called to Mom in the next room: "Moomm, Shiloh's moving out in August!"

As I knew she would Mom called back, "She has to give me four months notice."

"Fine, she's moving out in..." here she paused to calculate "...in November."

I realized why she took charge later. Right now, she's at loose ends and has no idea where she wants to go in life, and taking charge of someome else's life seems much easier and productive. I'm outta time so I'll say syanara.
Dreaming may not pay the bills, but it makes the hard work that does a bit easier.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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