Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Candles and a Kiss
08-23-2005 E 7:51 p.m.
Feeling-- lethargic
Reading-- After Dark by Jayne Castle
Listening to-- nothing

I would never have figured on this:

Shiloh, your signature candle is Citrus Cilantro

Like a breath of fresh air, your breezy personality is always welcome. A nature-lover, you like to keep things in your life as simple and fuss-free as possible. That's what makes your signature scent citrus cilantro--you can brighten and improve almost any situation effortlessly.

Laidback and fun, you know how to have a good time and you don't take things too seriously. A bad date? Good fodder for your friends. Toilet paper on your shoe? Hilarious! Sure you know when it's time to buckle down and solve problems, but you'll certainly find a way to have fun doing it.

But then again, after reading the other results...this just might fit me best.

Shiloh, in your Cinderella story, you'd get to Kiss the Prince

You don't need the poofy dress, the fancy hair, or the 3-inch glass heels. A romantic soul like you just wants a guy who's a true companion, a good friend, a real prince. And if he's hot? All the better. But ultimately, you know that home is where the heart is. Which is probably why you surround yourself with good friends you can take care of and laugh with--friends who will do the same for you.

But that doesn't keep you from fantasizing about the perfect relationship. It's not that you don't have your feet firmly planted on the ground. It's just that you're not afraid to shoot high. Or wish upon a shooting star. So keep reaching for your goals, Cinderella. If you do, your happily ever after can't be far away. And you can seal that with a kiss.

Hhheeeyyy, I get to kiss the Prince. Does that mean he'll turn into a toad if I kiss him--because isn't it the other way 'round? If you kiss a toad, it'll turn into a prince? And wouldn't that just be my luck? *laughs wryly*

Seriously though, I like this answer. Not just because it says I get to kiss zee Prince, but because of what it says about knowing that home is where the heart is and being able to fantasize about the perfect relationship. About not being afraid to wish upon a shooting star. I hope I truly am like this, because this is how I want to be.

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moon phase


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