Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Symbolism of 'Baby'
11-28-2003 E 7:35 p.m.
Ok, so I have more to say today. But how to start? The cliche and sometimes sarcastic comeback would be "At the beginning, of course." So, I will make the beginning after Heather left. I was surfing Dland, thinking about running two journals at once. Then I remembered Nancy has a dream journal and she has her dreams interpreted at freakydreams.com. Meanwhile, on a whim I went surfing through my archives, rereading certain dream entries, like the werewolf one. Going further on this whim I refound a dream site, Dreamstop.com that would give a good analysis if only I was a member.

Playing around there I came across this:

Symbolism of the word, baby:
A baby in your dream when you're pregnant is extremely common and may mean a big success in the love department. If you're not pregnant and dreaming of babies it could mean that you want one or are sad that you don't have one. Or perhaps the baby represents your own vulnerability or your need for love. Don't automatically think the love you need should come from someone else, it could be a love for yourself that is missing. The baby could also symbolize innocence, your true self or true ideals, not jaded by life or disappointment. It could also mean something or someone new is coming into your life, or has already shown up.

I think this about sums up my baby dreams--the reasons behind them I mean. I'm not pregnant, and though I am not ready for one, perhaps I am sad a bit (or afraid) that I won't have children in this life. And perhaps with that it might represent my desire for romantic love. Or that I might need a love for myself before I am ready for a life committment and beyond. Though this may be lower down on the list. While I do need more love for myself I've a feeling it's more the other aspects that play into the baby dreams. And it could also mean that something or someone new will come into my sphere of zee universe. Which I hope is the case. Some of my dreams have been prophetic in a sense so...you never know. 'Course, you can guess whom I'm hoping it'll be. But with my luck, it'll be a girl or someone I'll just be friends with. It won't be him. ...Or it could be the new adjustment to Heather having Nobody as her boyfriend.

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