Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Thing About True Friends
01-15-2003 E 8:07 p.m.
*smiles excitedly, happily* Guess what, guess what? Andrea called me tonight--my childhood best friend. She's back in town! Has been for awhile recuperating from a surgery she had a few months ago. And she works at the Rexburg Seminary. This is the girl who swore she'd never move back to Idaho or at least not to this town. She liked Utah way too much. *laughs* I'm gonna give her heck about it when I see her tomorrow.

All the sudden it seems friends are wanting to stop in and visit. It's great; Kjerstina is planning on stopping by sometime next week, either on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm excited. Hey, this is the most active my social life's been in a long while.

The great thing about both Kjerstina and Andrea is that no matter how much time passes between us it feels like not much time has separated us when we get together. It's like old times again. *smiles contentedly* Along with Heather, they are friends that I will never lose. All three are awesome in their own way.

In regards to school, well it's become clear today that the precious lil store of brain cells I have left will be burned up or out by May 12th, what between any seizures I will have from now till then and all the complex critical thinking she wants us to do about each piece we'll read. I won't have any left ta impress a potential boss or potential boyfriend. (Ha! that last one's wishful thinking.)

I'm doing a bit of that now anyway--critical thinking--but from the sound of it, the type of questions she's wanting us to ask are most likely gonna stretch my skills in that area. =os I had wanted an easy semester. *sighs*

It's funny. Even two and a half years ago, I was sensing something odd, like a presence. 'Course, it hasn't happened in awhile, and neither has that disembodied voice been a repeat. So, it coulda been my imagination all along, but...a part of me is still so certain I experienced them all.

Writing that entry for Thoughts of a Writer... seems like a lifetime ago, yet when I reread it moments ago, I remember typing it clearly. And I laughed a bit at myself. Evan was such a big part of my life then. I was so worried about losing him, his friendship. LOL And now look at me. He's out of my life, I did not keep the friendship. Do I care? No. In the end it wasn't worth the tears, the heartache. But it was a valuable lesson. A true friend is there for you no matter the situation, through thick and thin. It doesn't even matter if a length of time separates you.
Smile! It takes 34 muscles to frown and only 13 to smile. Why make the extra effort?

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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