Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Six Things I Like or Want to Change About Christmas
12-20-2005 E 1:41 p.m.
Feeling-- blah
Reading-- Bewitching Familiar by Caroline Burnes
Listening to-- tv

(originally written for 12-18-2005)
Whelp, Michael's home. Save and sound and loving his lil boy. Don't know when they'll (Mike and Jen) surface, but we know we'll see them when they want to be seen. *sigh, debating on whether or not to say the next part* We went down Sunday to SLC to greet and see Michael as he came in from his debriefing in D.C. The airport was allowing parents and spouses of the soldiers to be at the gate as they deplaned, but Jen didn't want Mom and Dad at the gate. So they waited with Kami and me in the bustling common area. It's the same thing Uncle Kim is, or has been, famous for: excluding our side of the family, wanting only to be with Aunt Patsy and their family or his side of the family. Jen is kinda the same way. And because we've been treated year after year this way, it's become a sore point with me. I'm so tired of my family being excluded, of the favoritism exhibited. I know when siblings get married the spouses change the picture somewhat, but they shouldn't be so possessive. A family isn't only a husband, wife and the kids; it's also made up of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins great-grandparents, etc. They all should be included. It just irks me when family behaves this way.

I'm not in a song mood right now, so for my countdown offering I'm going to answer a question from a prompt I saw a couple of weeks ago. I can't find the exact prompt, but I know the question.
What would you change about Christmas? List 10 things.

I want to make this my question, though, and change it a lil bit.
What do you like about Christmas, and what would you change about it? List six things of each.

    Six Things I Like About Christmas
  1. It's a season of peace
  2. People are more friendlier (when not in a war in stores for items in demand or in long cranky lines at the checkout counters)
  3. Christmas trees and seeing my house decorated as "Santa's White House"
  4. The festivity of the season, the merriment and being with family
  5. The carols, old-fashioned and modern, that remind us of the Reason for the season
  6. There seems to be an aura of magic in the air at this time
    Six Things I'd Like To Change About Christmas
  1. It's too commercial
  2. People have become too politically correct with Christmas greetings
  3. There should be a bit more focus on the Savior
  4. The season of goodwill and peace should last all year-round
  5. Kids should believe in Santa a lil longer
  6. I miss the old specials that we kids looked foward to each Christmas of Rudolph and Frosty and the Little Drummer Boy that ABC and CBS and NBC used to air; it was a special thing we kids gathered to do

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