Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
101 Reasons To Keep a Journal
08-28-2004 E 7:00 p.m.
I'm up to my eyeballs in blank books, journals and what-have-you. People know me too well when it comes to my love of writing. Only thang is, I keep my journal here online... It's easier and faster for me to type than to try writing all I wish to say on paper. My hand cramps long before I wish to be done. Thus, I have a stash of unused blank books that's just lying around here and zere in my cluttered room.

Most of them are gifts, so I have no wish to discard them in a yard sale or drop them off at D.I., an LDS donations place like the Salvation Army. So, I've begun to find uses for them: a quote book; an art/free-for-all anythang book; a daydream/night dream journal (partially filled); a feeling/spiritual promptings journal; a book of my poetry; and most recently, a book of letters to mah soulmate, whomever he may be. Even with these idears and implementations(sp?) though, my stash is still pretty big! Heather added one more idear to the lot, and we'll be using the smiley journal she gave me fer Valentine's to carry it out. She suggested we start a Sunshine Log once we become roomies--kinda like Elle's Snap Cup from Legally Blonde. You put a favorite quote or something good about the other person in the cup (or log) to end or start the day on a good note.

Daydreaming On Paper gives even more ideas for blank books, if you're a journal freak like me. In fact, the webmistress lists 101 reasons to keep a journal. I thought it would be fun to adapt her list and make one of my own.

101 Reasons To Keep a Journal
1) To express yourself in the written word.
2) To talk to and share experiences, thoughts and feelings with your unknown descendants.
3) To have an outlet for your sorrows, your rage and frustrations and your joys and triumphs.
4) To record and keep your favorite quotes.
5) To hone your craft (writing, art, basketweaving, etc.).
6) To amuse yourself.
7) To remember.
8) To keep the letters you write to your love in one place for safekeeping.
9) To make and keep track of goals.
10) To record and analyze your dreams.
11) To watch yourself grow and progress through self-discovery.
12) To indulge in your childish desire to doodle in the margins as you write lil stories for yourself and/or your friends and family.
13) To have a book of your own poetry.
14) To record your deepest fantasies.
15) To help your best friends and soul sister keep up with your comings and goings--no Heather, not that coming. *winks*
16) To use up the blank books you keep getting as gifts.
17) To develop your own philosophy of life and answer the age-old questions of zee universe.
18) To complain about the Boss From Hell.
19) To have a place to write the songs that come from your heart.
20) To chart your weight loss or gain.
21) To have something to do while you are waiting.
22) To jot down notes and draw diagrams about your favorite hobby, ie. astronomy or botany or the study of butterflies.
23) To write down the firsts of your baby's first year of life.
24) To have something to read on the plane or train ride to Buluxy.
25) To create your own personal almanac.
26) To let your inner curmudgen gripe without restraint.
27) To jot down what Mr. Kittykins did today or to give him his own voice.
28) To write what happens on that once-in-a-lifetime vacation you're planning to go on.
29) To toot your own horn.
30) To describe the way a rainy day makes you feel.
31) To document how often you have seizures or migraines.
32) To rave or rant about the latest novel you just finished.
33) To work through a crisis of faith.
34) To work out creative solutions to your problems.
35) To have a place to put the Hello Kitty stickers you simply could not resist.
36) To write an unsent letter to that special someone who does not know you're alive.
37) To work through a problem with a loved one before you confront them.
38) To have something entirely for yourself.
39) To capture all of your great ideas.
40) To keep track of finances.
41) To help you recognize the patterns in your life.
42) To remember the exact circumstances under which you knew he or she was "The One."
43) To have a place to write down all that good advice your grandma gave you.
44) To remember the home remedies that work--and the ones that...don't.
45) Because you had a wonderful day and want to preserve the happiness that came along with it.
46) Because you had an extrordinarily crappy day and you would rather not bring anyone else down by telling them about it.
47) Because keeping a journal is cheaper than professional therapy.
48) To feel better connected to other people, places and things in this world.
49) Because life experiences are easier and cheaper to collect than Beanie Babies (and they take up less space, too).
50) To relive your glory days.
51)) To speculate about the future.
52) To help yourself realize or see the inner strength you never knew you had.
53) To help you transform or see an event that was most decidedly not funny at the time.
54) To remember your wedding day.
55) To remember how that special song made you feel.
56) To record that unforgettable moment when your lifemate or hubby proposed to you for your posterity.
57) To have a place to write down the questions that drive you.
58) To express your love of the natural world.
59) To uncover your passions.
60) To let your dark side out.
61) To have your say.
62) To revisit your inner child.
63) To voice your political views.
64) To share the touching or funny emails friends send you.
65) To make use of your odd and unique pen collection.
66) To make and design your own website for the online experience.
67) To complain about the $7 you just spent on the worst movie of all time.
68) To express your narcissistic side.
69) To make a To-Do List.
70) To create a year-long time capsule to be opened in five or 10 years.
71) To develop your spiritual side.
72) To keep track of your many collections.
73) To celebrate life.
74) To improve your penmanship.
75) To list your top 10 favorite movies or songs.
76) To list your pet peeves and say why they bother you.
77) To figure out what you want from life.
78) To transcribe the bizarre encounter you just had on the subway.
79) To record the changes your body goes through during pregnancy and how this one is different than zee last.
80) To keep notes in church to stay awake.
81) To wax poetic about or analyze your favorite Shakespearean sonnet.
82) To share your favorite myths, legends or folktales.
83) To reflect on lessons learned in the past.
84) To comment on favorite quotes.
85) To write history from your unique point of view and perspective.
86) To crow over how you met and got Sandra Bullock's autograph.
87) To revisit the time your family stopped over in "Dante's Peak."
88) To remember that a teaspoon of cinnamon makes the cookies taste better.
89) To remember lost friends or loved ones.
90) To share a comic you found funny.
91) To transcribe a song because it sums up your feelings or day.
92) To remind yourself to slow down.
93) To wax poetic about the harvest moon.
94) To list the traits you want in your soulmate.
95) To have a record of your mistakes and the factors leading up to them so that you can avoid making them again.
96) To wallow in self-pity for a lil while.
97) To write about the adventures you and your roommate have.
98) To comment on the antics of co-workers.
99) To create your own world.
100) To have at least one place where the truth is whole and nothing but.
101) Because your friends and girlfriend are doing it!

~~ Adapted from Dawn R. Vinson

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