Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
101 Things In 1001 Days
03-20-2006 E 3:24 p.m.
Feeling-- sleepy, content
Reading-- Only a Whisper by Gayle Wilson
Listening to-- nothing

Ooohh, the weather outside is frightful,
But inside it's so delightful!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I know I told a couple of friends I'd update on my training weekend today, but I have to be honest... After retelling several members of my family about the fun I had--and some quirky things that happened--I'm a lil told out for today. Bbbuuttt, if I still feel up to doing a double update, I'll see about starting my retelling...for the last time.

Emma finally tempted me in to doing this. At first I thought, since I'm already doing the 100 Books/25,000 Pages in a year the 100 Books Club is doing, it might be overdoing it with the 100 or 101 idea. But I've been mulling it over most of the afternoon, and...why not? This 101 Things in 1001 Days could be fun. And hey, I could learn new things and stumble across other new opportunities like the project Determined To VOTE! It could help me become more driven or goal-oriented, more well-rounded and a better person, really. So, I'm a-goin' for it.

The 1001 Day Project
The Mission (should I choose to accept it):
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past--frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows me several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal-setting tips:
  1. Be decisive. Know exactly what I want, why I want it and how I plan to achieve it.

  2. Stay focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate my progress.

  3. Welcome failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthwhile.

  4. Write down my goals. It clarifies my thinking and reinforces my commitment.

  5. Keep my goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of my thinking.

My List:
1) Lose 25-30lbs

2) Keep on track with the goal(s) of the 100 Books Club.

3) Write down the step-by-step goals I need to do to accomplish writing then publishing the folklore anthology I am interested in bringing to pass.

4) Take those goals step-by-step and follow through.

5) Do the best I can and do not procrastinate on the presentations for Determined To VOTE!

6) Read the unabridged version of the Diary of Anne Frank.

7) Do at least two more design layouts for this website.

8) Learn new html codes or those for javascript. (Completed 04-06-2006)

9) Find a new funky, cute and sassy hairstyle and have it done so I look like I want to feel on the inside.

10) Pay off my new computer.

11) Make this website everything I want it to be and more.

12) Get Cleo spaded.

13) Write at least two more poems from my Elemental series.

14) Lay off the pop, so it's only an occasional treat, not an almost everyday thing.

15) Send the letters I wrote in January to Emma, Gwen and Jody. (*blushes with sheepish look* Oops, sorry... =os)

16) Get a manicure/facial.

17) Stay in the black for a whole year, starting April 1st. (Not that I've been in the red lately; I just want to see if I can keep it going for 365+ days more.)

18) Have a Harry Potter movie/book-athon.

19) Do a few scrapbooking pages on Egee and Cleo, the 4th of July I spent with Heather and this past weekend I trained in Boise.

20) Complete every exercise in the Soul Food Caf�'s Chocolate Box on the Anatomy of Childhood.

21) Continue to participate on the Salon du Soul blog, where we post a prompt inspired by a suggested writing exercise for the rest of this year.

22) Finish wizard cross-stitch and begin the cat one. (This time as I go, remember to mark off the stitches I've done to show what I still need to do.)

23) Organize my desk.

24) Take an Institute class this summer.

25) Update all the entries I've stored up since the beginning of this year.

26) Start reading the Pearl of Great Price eevvveerryyday and do a scripture chain through the Book of Mormon/other Standard Works a week.

27) Be a better correspondent with brother and friends. Write letters every two weeks to a month.

28) Make that Fairy Tale Mix I want. Start gathering the songs.

29) Find out what I need to do to see Emma over in Scotland/England and what it will cost.

30) Start saving up for that trip--if I can with certain current bills.

31) Try some new activity (I'll be specific later on when I figure out what the heck this will be)--without saying, "I can't" before knowing if I can do it or not. (This turned out to be making my own music videos-- Completed 05-28-2006)

32) Eat a fruit I've never ever tried. (Completed 03-26-2006--it was dried papaya.)

33) As a special treat for having done two presentations (for Determined To Vote!) and catching up on all of my backlogged entries, buy myself a pint of ice cream and my favorite drink from Sonic, a chocolate cherry coke.

34) Start and complete the Relief Society History, so we can get it published and out to the ladies who want a copy.

35) Read Jane Eyre again, by Charlotte Bront�.

36) Read Wuthering Heights by her sister, Emily Bront�, for the first time.

37) Start taking more pride/interest in my appearance, like I once did.

38) Be more mindful of my posture and scoliosis.

39) Figure out, if I can, why I'm having bouts of d�ja v� again after a long time without them...if they continue.

40) Strive to be mature and on an even keel even when I've had a round of seizures.

41) Strive to be a peacemaker, and think before I impulsively say something that might put my foot into it. (Like I'm afraid I did Saturday with Shelby, another trainer for Determined To VOTE!)

42) Work on the virtue of patience till I have it as an attribute.

(I am amazed I made it thus far without too big of pauses in between!)

43) Learn the nicknames of all 50 of the United States.

44) Learn Idaho's state song.

45) Pray every night--without exception!

46) Go to the temple at least once a month.

47) Try--and that's the operative word here, try--to think positive, kind thoughts about others. And if I can't, try to switch mental topics.

48) Complete the Werewolf Project for the Soul Food Caf�.

49) Finish the Red Death story I started for the Soul Food Caf�.

50) Learn about and study the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere.

51) Memorize all 13 Articles of Faith, one by one, till I can recite them without looking at them.

52) Check out the Rocky Horror Picture Show and see if I want to see it. (Completed 03-24-2006)

53) Try to see The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on my birthday.

54) Eat more healthy for a month.

55) Practice and become better at Canasta.

56) Keep up on my Spanish, rusty as it is. =os

57) Make steps to and hopefully have a place of my own again, possibly with a roommate.

58) Make a batch of brownies or cookies (with help) and give them to someone as a good deed.

59) Have a Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman marathon once I get Seasons Three and Four.

60) Have a Remington Steele marathon once I get Seasons Three and Four.

61) Whiten my teeth.

62) Make my 31st birthday a blast, one of my best ones like 30 was.

63) Get a better wheelchair or continue working on making the Rainbow Serpent better.

64) Watch Leprechauns and buy a Sprite and color it green with food coloring for a belated celebration of St. Paddy's Day. (Completed 03-25-2006)

65) Remember Nan and Paw Paw's birthdays and wish them both a great day.

66) Strive to do better and be on time with tithing.

67) Learn to needlepoint.

68) Get my eyebrows waxed on a regular basis. At least, for six months, then we'll see.

69) Send Christmas cards this year--and not of the eletronic variety. And on time!

70) Buy and collect CDs by Loreena McKennit.

71) Buy Enya's latest CD.

72) Send or drop off my Rated R movies to Clean Flicks to have them cleaned up.

73) Watch Far and Away again to see if I can stomach Tom. (Pity too, I really liked him as an actor once upon a time.)

74) Watch The 10th Kingdom again.

75) Conquer Pandora's Box by myself, without using up all the hints and the free game tokens.

76) Buy a new, better fitting bra!

77) After completing 15 of these, treat myself to a poket dragon.

78) Start switching my movie collection to DVDs.

79) Visit Mandy in Pokey whenever I can in the next several months.

80) Watch Mists of Avalon; if I like it, read the book.

81) See if I can beat my 122 bowling score.

82) Be more aware of and considerate of others. (Sometimes I feel I'm too sucked into my own lil world.)

83) Take regular walks with Jen and Cannon when the weather warms up.

84) Revisit Yellowstone.

85) Strive to live with as few regrets as I can, starting tonight.

86) Control my temper more.

87) Get rid of old clothes or clothes I don't wear anymore that I don't want.

88) No complaining or griping for a week.

89) Increase my vocabulary by looking up a word I come across that I'm unfamiliar with when I see one.

90) Keep Mom's second present a secret till Mother's Day--from her. (This worked until she one who got the mail the day it came...she guessed what it was. So while not being a complete failure, it wasn't a complete success either. Ninety-five percent completed 04-20-2006)

91) Be better at keeping secrets and not give in after constant insisting and cajoling.

92) Make a Celtic Mix.

93) Learn the words to a silly song.

94) Start saving up for a digital camera of my own.

95) Donate the $15 to BYU-I, like I said I would months ago. (Ooops again!)

96) Find a better strategy for Cubis 2, my current favorite online game. (Completed sometime in April)

97) Strive to keep my computer Adware, Virus and Spyware-free for as long as I can. (*knocks on wood*)

98) Infuse my almost non-existant social life with new vigor and zest. Be more out-going.

99) See that Egypt and Cleo get a bath--and soon.

100) Learn how create my own unique screensaver. Completed 04-23-2006)

101) Just be truly happy and comfortable with myself.

Whew! I made it! And it's only 11:07 p.m. now! Wow. The end date for this is:

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hope I make it. Wish me well and all the good luck I can take. I'm gonna need it.

My 1001 Day Project ends in

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


100 Books Club
An Angel's ProfileE
Who's WhoE
Extra ScrollsE
Live C.P.E
Email From HeavenE
Angel NotesE
My GuestbookE
Fairy TalesE
Voice On DisabilitiesE
My Alluvial MineE
The Silk RoadE
The Faraway TreeE
Viewing ChildhoodE
I Wonder WhyE
Essays On LoveE