Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
2005: Finally a Review Of the Year of Change
01-21-2006 E 3:34 p.m.
Feeling-- quiet
Reading-- The Unwilling Bride by Margaret Moore
Listening to-- nothing

Once again I'm staring at this box...and nothing comes to mind. Once more, I've gone searching for ideas, for some spark of inspiration, and have found...nothing. Once more I want to write, but frustratingly, none of the topics playing about in my head have appeal at the moment. So...I will write whatever comes to mind. If anything starts coming to mind.

I haven't done a review or recap of 2005 as I have with other years. Anytime I've tried or even thought about it, I've come up against a mental block or a "force field" that's stopped my desire to forge on and find a way around the invisible shield. This has disturbed me, yes, and I dunno why I've had this block, or why 2005 would be a hard year to recap. It flew by in a blur. And I've had more things of note which happened last year than in the previous four put together since I moved home from Poky!

A lot happened, as you can see. If anything, 2005 was a year of change for my family and me. My immediate family is changing, growing smaller, while really the family as a "whole" is splintering off, yet growing slowly, baby by baby. Nothing will ever be as it was, as I remember it when I was a kid. Ever again.

Tuesday, when Heather and I had a Day of Indulgence, we got to talking about the past and holiday memories, and how families go through childhood, adolescence and adulthood just like an individual does. With one child left in her painful and horrible teens, my family is entering adulthood at last. When talking to Heather, I compared past Christmases to this last one. It was so totally different than the ones from my childhood. For one, we slept in two whole hours later than we ever have. Dad even came down at six, six-thirty, to record Kami and Aubree on the cam corder rushing down to discover what was left. They never came, and he waited and waited and finally went back to bed.

For two, Christina came over after church and stayed! She stayed till nine, nine-thirty, maybe even till ten at night! I remember vaguely maybe playing with her and her sister, Amanda after we opened presents and had some family time and got ready for the day. But I never had a friend over for Christmas before, not like this! Especially since she lives just across the street! Not that I didn't enjoy her company, which I did. It was just...a weird different.

For three, Mike and Jon weren't here. As kids (Michael started this tradition) we'd sleep in the same room on Christmas Eve. In the morning Mike and Kami would help me out of bed and onto a big blanket, and then they'd drag, thud me, with Jonny's help once he was big enough to pull the blanket, down the stairs and we'd excitedly see what Santa Claus had brought us.

It's not like that anymore. It was just Mom and Dad, Aubree, Kami and myself this past year, at a more sedate pace. With the surprise edition of Christina later on. *sigh* I wouldn't trade knowing and loving my two--soon to be three--nephews for the world or for having past times back, but I sure do miss those times awfully bad now and then. *nostalgic wave washes over me* =os

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