Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sunday Brunch: Neighbors
01-16-2005 E 1:59 p.m.
Neighbors, what an interesting topic. But why not for Sunday Brunch? *shrugs*

Fee, fie, foe, fum!
I smell the blood...of an Englishman!

Ok, ok, so I took it on a weird tangent. So I'm not a giant, and I don't have an Englishman living next to me--more's the pity. And I'm not Hannibal Lector's female counterpart--it's just my weird, convoluted humor, tinged with the aggressiveness of my monthly Crimson Curse.

Ahem, like you really wanted to know that. So without further weirdness on my part and ado, here's the five questions:

"If you want to be free, there is but one way; it is to guarantee an equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no other." ~Carl Schurz

1) Do you have a neighbor that just drives you insane?

Not really, although the family next door on the right has a lil Scottie that barks at you as you come or go from the car to or from the house. It gets highly annoying.

2) Does one of your neighbors have something about their home that you covet?


3) Do you have a neighbor on your street that neglects their home, pure and simple?

I don't believe so.

4) Is there a neighbor on your street with interesting decorating habits?

Ah well, let's see, the family down the street... They painted their house teal and white. And on the side they painted an ocean wave, so they can say they're "waving to the neighborhood."

5) Do you have a neighbor on your street that you find attractive?

Ah no. They're all families or elderly couples. Nobody really my age lives here anymore.

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moon phase


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