Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Revoke the "S" Word
05-07-2002 E 8:19 p.m.
Squaw. Last year women, some white, some Native American, marched on Boise's capitol building in an appeal to remove this word from the names of places. To the Native Americans it is as derogatory as nigger is to African Americans. Squaw refers to female genitalia. And the women of these tribes across America have been ridiculed and dehumanized by white men and teens who've used that word. They were hoping the bill that would end its use would pass. It failed.

Twila Hornbeck of Grangeville (who squashed the bill), you should be ashamed of yourself. Who are you, even with four dictionaries, to tell a people what a word means in their own language? You are white, they Indian. Who better to know what that would means? You or the native speaker? It is not an English word but an Algonquin word.

Besides, this is our country, of every race. It is a beautiful land. Should we not take pride in it? Should we not give beautiful names to beautiful places such as mountains? If it were you and your white sisters being referred to in such a way with some English word with the same meaning, you'd most likely be lobbying for its expulsion from everyday use. Shouldn't these sisters be given that dignity? Revoke the "S" word.

After I saw the video on this I was appalled with this state's government. (We are studying multicultural feminism.) We have come so far, yet have so far to go in regards to this land's indigenous peoples. We came here from other lands and spread across theirs, pushing them onto little patches of land while forcing our way of life on them. The U.S. is still in the process of giving restitution to the tribes, but at the same time it ignores simple requests like this. At times like this its arrogance and supposed superiority shows through. And you wonder sometimes if we've learned anything.

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My fortune from my Chinese meal.

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