Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Seven Wonders of My World, Part 2
07-27-2005 E 8:55 p.m.
Feeling-- calm, mellow
Reading-- Enigma by Dee Davis
Listening to-- nothing

Yesterday I started a two-part series inspired by an email story and an essay entitled, "Seven Wonders of My World--#2." I've wanted to do a similar entry on my own Personal Wonders since I first saw the title of that essay a week or so ago. I thought it would be fun to see all the Wonders we have in this world and it has been. It's been neat to see Wonders (or pics of them) that I didn't know about or had forgotten exist(s/ed). Tonight I will end with one more type and add my own Personal Wonders to the lists of Wonders around the world.

Seven "Forgotten" Wonders of the World
I. Angkor Wat ~ Cambodia
II. The Colosseum ~ Rome, Italy
III. The Great Wall of China
IV. The Inca city of Machu Picchu ~ Peru
V. Mont-Saint-Michel ~ Normandy, France
VI. Petra, the rock-carved city ~ Jordan
VII. Stonehenge ~ England

For my Personal Wonders I had to think awhile. What in my life could be as marvelous, as wonderous as those I've listed? I've never seen in person any of the Wonders around the world, and I experience the Wonders on the lil girl's list everyday. I wanted to add things specific to me, that aren't on the lists I've compiled. I thought and thought, and though it's taken some time, the list was relatively easy to compile. *smiles* Even though there is a repeat. Just goes to show how important this Wonder is...

Seven Wonders of My World





The Peace Garden ~ Tasmania

Shooting stars/Imagination

I know, I cheated a bit. More than you know actually. *laughs sheepishly* I've never been to the Peace Garden in Tasmania, and I sneaked/squeezed in a last one on the seventh. I couldn't make up my mind.

I put the Peace Garden as one because I like what it stands for; I like the idea of the perpetually burning bonfire and the adding of stones in remembrance of our ancestors. Plus, cross-culturally, (Native American and Hebrew) my name means peace. And my brother, right now, is over in Iraq, helping to fight for Iraqi peace and freedom from opressors and terrorists. So, this garden, even though I may never see it personally, represents something special and close to my heart: Peace and Unity.

The last Wonder(s) is/are equally important to me. So, as I said, I squeezed an extra one in. =0D I saw shooting stars, or a meteor shower last summer(?) for the first time. Though it was chilly out, it was awesome! And with a writer's imagination and help from the appropriate Muse, something of this nature is excellent fodder for a written piece. Hence the addition of Imagination to my list. It's always been a part of me, inseparable really.

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