Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Darren's 2nd / High School
02-25-2002 E 6:48 p.m.
Wow, what a day. All four papers due next week.=os A classmate and I agree she (the professor) should extend the deadline. Actually, what should have been done was have each paper due a couple days after each type of feminism was discussed. Sure, the deadlines are given at the bottom of the syllabus so by all rights we were given fair notice. However, she wants us to use examples from one of the books. Well thing is, we are only on the third type and will still be by March 5th. We're either finishing Radical Feminism or starting Marxist Feminism this week. So really only the first two or three should be done by the 5th. We aren't even on the fourth type in the book yet! Ya'd think she thinks we should be way ahead in the book to have all four papers done and taking her class all by itself!

Anyways...Darren is really sweet. He surprised me the next day by having researched Cerebral Palsy. He really cares. *smiles* The research prompted more questions like "What type do you have?" "Can you eat ok, swallow ok?" "You don't have pain?" "Do you go to Physical Therapy?" He was so good to me. It meant a lot to know he wants to learn what he can about me. Or about my disability. It was awesome. I think we really are going to make it as best friends.

There was a group of high school kids, I think, today at school. Sheeshamonga, I've forgotten what it's like to be one. It's been nine years since I graduated from high school. Eesh, now I feel old. But anyway, they were rowdy and loud. They may have been on a campus visit. One kid remarked we (college students) were strange.

I looked over at him and thought, Ya? Well you just wait, buddy. Your time's coming. Man, was I ever that know-it-all, that annoying and immature? Eesh, give me college or life after college anyday.

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