Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My ABCs--I Know Them, Do You?
10-05-2003 E 8:35 p.m.
This is for Letti; as I'm still trying to gather my thoughts on General Conference, I thought I'd follow her example.

A -> Act your age - At 28 I try, but I'm not always successful. I catch myself sometimes acting like a young teenager when Aubree's provoked me into sinking to her level of comebacks and making jabs. And I also catch myself acting like a stodgy old (and I mean old) 40 something-year-old who doesn't want to do this...or that because it would take too much effort. Something "youths" have the exuberence for. Or else I'm the adult who's forgotten what it's like to be a kiddie. Either way I'm not quite sure I ever act my age...

B -> Boyfriend - Ha, I wish! But if it means I have to go through what I went through with Evan and Stephen, then I'll just wait until the Second Coming when the Lord can make the introductions Himself between Stripling Warrior 1,998 and myself.

C -> Chore you hate - Folding laundry and mating socks. I don't think there's a more tedious chore...unless you have one more tedious than that.

D -> Dad's name - Vic or Stephen, depending which one you're meaning.

E -> Essential make up item - Any good feeling and tasting lip gloss or chapstick. Right now, I'm using a sparkly liquid peach flavored lip gloss.

F -> Favorite actress - Whoopi Goldberg. She's a great comedian and does drama very well. I love her in the new version of Rodger's and Hammersteins's Cinderella as the queen. Her guilt trip is the bomb.

G -> Gold or silver - Gold. I think I look better in it anyway.

H -> Hometown - Somewhere, Idaho

I -> Instruments you wield - The keyboard.

J -> Job title - A yet-to-be-employeed/published author with big dreams.

K -> Kids - I would love a boy and girl. In my day dreams they have dark hair.

L -> Living arrangements - Back at home with family until I can find a roommate who's willing to take me on.

M -> Mum's name - Pam.

N -> Number of people you've slept with - Are we counting sleepovers and temporary roommates? If so, then over ten.

O -> Overnight hospital stays - More than I care to remember, counting all the rehab before and after surgeries, not to mention the surgeries themselves.

P -> Phobia - Close spaces and anythang creepy crawly with a bad bite or stinger.

Q -> Quotes - "Let your attitude determine your altitude." ~ Courtesy of Noah

R -> Religious affiliation - LDS and darn proud of it!!

S -> Siblings - Christina, Erin, Audrey, Shane, Jessy, Michael, Kami, Joseph, Jon and Aubree.

T -> Time you wake up? - Between 9:30 and 10:30, give or take a few minutes.

U - Unique habit - I keep numerous journals simultaneously. A dream journal, this one and one for the whisperings and promptings of the Spirit.

V -> Vegetable you refuse to eat - Spinach.

W -> Worst habit - My ability to make something very cluttered in a very short amount of time.

X -> X-rays you've had - Too many to count. Again, surgery related, plus dental ones.

Y -> Yummy food you make - Scrambled eggs.

Z -> Zodiac Sign - Cancer

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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