Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Slice of My Celtic Heritage
02-17-2002 E 8:38 p.m.
Eesh, I need to retrain myself to write before my brain turns to mush. Lately, it seems I'm leaving the updating to the last minute anymore. It just feels like time is elusive and gone before I know it. Anyways on to the entry.

I think this second version of the Celtic set I'm doing for my next diary design is more unified in color. If not, it'll just take some minor tweaking of background color. A second thing about doing this Celtic set...in searching for Celtic clipart and whatnot I've learned more about the culture of my main heritage. I've come across wonderful art of animals, knotwork, coins and deities. In looking for animal artwork, I stumbled upon the symbolism for different animals used in the artwork. And just today, while looking for a main image, I came across a link which allows you to search for your family's crest if you're from the British Isles in regards to ancestry. On impulse I looked up my birth father's name.


The name Cannon in Ireland is derived from the native Gaelic O'Canain Sept of County Donegal in the North-West of the country. The name is taken from a Gaelic word meaning 'wolf cub'. A separate O'Cananain Sept was located in Connaught Province. The name was also brought to the country by settlers from England, especially during the seventeenth century.

We are [the line I come through] actually from the Isle of Man, an old Celtic nation, whose language, Manx is dead. This means that less than a 100 people speak it or are able to read it.

I'm really getting into my Celtic heritage. I'm loving all that I find. I even found an artist, Courtney Davis, who does beautiful artwork. It's worth checking out.

The Angles once thought the Celts were savages, but they're not. They really had and still do, a wonderful culture that has refused to be conquered or subdued by invading peoples. One reason why I think this is it has been able to adapt to the changes through the milennia. I'm very proud to be a part of it--even if it is a small part and my knowledge of it is limited.

My sudden immersion into my heritage is also fed by my now reading Leprechauns. (I finished Harry Potter Thursday.) The book was written from the NBC miniseries that I absolutely love. If you haven't seen it, ooohh boy. You missed out. But it should be on video for rental or in stores. It's a must see. Whoopi Goldberg--my favorite actrice (I intentionally spelled it that way)--gives a stellar, fun performance as the Grand Banshee. Randy Quaid, while not as good looking as his brother Dennis, is wonderful as the human hero Jack Woods, who falls for the beautiful Kathleen Fitzpatrick. You fall in love with him. In fact you fall in love with most of the characters.

So far the book has followed the movie almost from scene to scene. Seeing the movie first kinda adds to zee experience I think. Cause as I go along, I'm seeing their faces and hearing their brogues. It's quite fun.

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