Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
10-18-2004 E 4:51 p.m.
Second update for the day. I like this week's P-O-Y selection. It's a fun topic; heck the word "quirk" is fun. How could anyone not like quirk?

We all have our little quirks. We notice them in others all the time. But do you know what your own little quirks are? If so, what are they? Do you or others find them annoying, cute or way out of this world?

1) A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy.
2) An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary.
3) A sudden sharp turn or twist.
4) An equivocation; a quibble.
5) A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit, referring to architecture.

Quirk. I like to think I'm quirky. Unique. I know I'm insane a bit, but then, as I always say, you have to be to survive in this world. As Heather says, you have to be to love me. It's the quirks, uniqueness and insanity that make a personality fun. At least, to my way of thinking.

Thinking about it I am a bit quirky.

These aren't particularly annoying, unusual in the extreme or cutesy, I don't think. But, they do qualify as quirks. Ok, so maybe loving the ocean but hating seafood and fish is unusual, along with some of my other quirks, and my 80s lingo is a bit amusing. But nothing too out of the ordinary, is what I'm meaning. My mother might find my love of fairy tales a bit juvenile, but hey, a dreamer's gotta have her sense of fantasy and happily ever afters, now doesn't she?

I maintain quirks are fun. They are what makes a person their interesting, unique selves. Because of quirks--and experiences and environments--no two people are the same. Quirks are what keeps us from being automatons or robots. In fact, I am proud to be called quirky.

Life just gives you time and space, it's up to you to fill it.

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moon phase


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