Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
No Boredom Found Here
01-02-2006 E 12:42 p.m.
Feeling-- hungry
Reading-- If Looks Could Kill by Heather Graham
Listening to-- nothing

One thing about Riversleigh and its woodland grounds: you're never bored. There are always people around--good people who might become new friends if you let them--and interesting, magical creatures like Lord Pan, who are always wanting to engage those of us here at the Manor in some kind of activity, mischief or other. There is always something to do, always somewhere to explore. And if you are bored, by any chance, then the fault lies solely with you, for as my mother is known to say, "You're bored only because you choose to be bored."

Here at Riversleigh I know I'll never be bored. There's so much to do and experience, so much that invites the imagination on flights of fancy, so much that inspires the creativity in me. And so much that piques my curiosity. There is so much I want to learn about trees, their spirits, magic and wisdom. I think...that is why I've come and joined the quest for the Faraway Tree. To learn. The trees have much to tell and to share, and they so want to, with us.

Already my mind is filling with ideas and plans and excursions and my heart with desires and hopes, inspired by the woodland atmosphere of the English manor in which my creative self will reside for a year and a day. I'll be going out into the grove near Riversleigh often to spend time amongst the trees there, listening, watching, waiting, learning. I'll be there dancing with Pan and the nymphs--if they allow. I'll be there and in the greenhouse collecting things for a Forest Fantasy potpourri I wish to make for my room at the Manor. I hear the soft wickering call of the rare black unicorn from the mural on my wall echoing inside my head sometimes at night when I'm in the between state of wakefulness and sleep and I feel his dark eyes on me. He wants to go on a Night Ride, and soon I will accommodate him. There is a lil girl's treehouse I've heard, on the grounds way up high in a tree, where we're all welcome, and I know my inner child will be making a visit there shortly. And I hope I'm lucky enough to spend several moments in the presence of the elusive yet ever present Green Man or Green Woman.

To help inspire myself and get into a woodsy mood for this adventure, I created my own computer desktop theme, using an image by Jessica Galbreth. I present to you--the Green Woman.

I leave now for the Golden Seed Grove. There is a whispered call on the wind...

Wisha, whisha, whisha, whisha...

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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