Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
11-20-2001 E 7:46 p.m.
Mmmm, howdy doody folks. I'm getting really excited for Thanksgiving. Mom shared with me the other it was her favorite holiday. That really surprised me as I thought Christmas was. But I guess she enjoys the family togetherness, the laughter, the food and sweets as much as or more than I do. She's even going to make Boston Cream tomorrow! (It's like a sweet carmel.) I'm so addicted to that stuff! I like it better than fudge--and me a chocoholic! If Mom made it every year I'd gain 15 lbs on that stuff and fudge alone! Ah, but must watch my girlish figure!

Tomorrow Heather and I are going to work on the presentation. It's supposed to be on a cultural aspect of the Spanish or hispanic world. She thought maybe we could do it on Christmas, but I overheard Michelle saying they [her group] were doing them. So I thought maybe The Day of the Dead (Mexico's equivalent of Halloween). But Heather put a botch on that because last semester in her 101 class they did something similar to that. Besides, we talked about it either the Tuesday before or Thursday after Halloween. So I racked my brain for another holiday or celebration in Mexico. The only thing I came up with was their independence day.

I think it'll be funaroo. And even I'll learn something from it. Ruthann (my adopted online Mom) got information from a friend in Mexico and sent it to me. It's almost like our 4th of July! They have parades and fireworks. Streets are decorated in the flag's colors of red, yellow and green. The president gives the Grito de Delores (Cry of Delores--the emancipator Father Hilgado(sp?) first shouted it in his town of Delores), and the people echo it back all over the nation. Then the next day they eat lots of food and hold fiestas. It's sounds fun, huh?

Anyways, Heather and I are gonna write a poem bout it, the food and try to make our classmates guess what food we're describing. On the whole, the presentation is to take ten minutos. I hope it goes well.

Ege got his first spanking yesterday. By Kami. He now jumps up on the kitchen counters, so we can't leave any food out--even temporarily. I was trying to get him down, but she saw my plight and nabbed him and I heard his furry lil bottom being spanked. And later that morning Mom fixed bagels for she and I. I had regular cream cheese; Mom had strawberry cream cheese on hers. She left hers unattended for a bit--I think she was helping moi--and when she went back she noticed lil nose prints in her cream cheese. *chuckles* Egypt's developing finer tastes than cat food it seems. I love that kitty!

Hey Milo! Get on once in awhile more often, so's we can talk! ;o)

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