Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Happy Halloween
10-20-2004 E 4:05 p.m.
Halloo!! How's everyone? Well, I hope. Halloween is on its way, I'm getting excited. It's the one time of year when people welcome spooks and goblins and things that go bump! in the night and revel in being scared out of their skin. *devilish smile*

Lulu's Lines happily coincide with my 13 Days of Halloween this week. The trigger is Noises... She reminded her participants the prompt doesn't need to start with the trigger, so I decided to do something similiar to a recent Monday Madness I posted. It's a fun exercise and helps you to improve your writing and thinking "outside the box."

Headless Horseman. Watch out Icabod!!
�����Make for the covered bridge!
Apples on a stick. Candied and
Pretty princesses trick-or-treating with
�����wizards, goblins and devils.
Party at Frankenstein's Castle! Pass it on.
�����They'll be doing the Transylvania Twist
�����and having a monstrously good time.
Yellow eyes peering from the darkness. A
�����black cat on the prowl. Mmmrroww.

Haunted Houses. Hmmm I wonder, does
�����Casper live here? I hope...? *gulp*
Arachnophobia! Are those...spiders I see
�����crawling out of the sink's drain?
�����*trembles�in terror*
Luring of innocents to a trap. No, don't go
�����into the forest! That's where the killer
�����wants you! Mmmaaann! She tripped
�����and�sprained her ankle.
Lagoon--Creature from the black depths.
O' Hallow's Eve. The one night of the year
�����when the dead walk freely among the
Witches' brew. "Double, double toil and
�����trouble;/Fire burn, and cauldron
Eeeeeeekkkkk! That wasn't Casper I just
�����saw! *faints dead away in an unladylike
�����heap* (Pardon the pun.)
Eeeewww!!! Fresh brains. Is the good doctor
�����making a second bride for Frankie?
Noises: screaming victims, the Wolfman
�����howling. Is tonight the full moon?

*smiles fiendishly* Ah well, not my very best, but I had fun doing it!

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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