Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Halloween Fun *cackles*
10-22-2004 E 10:33 p.m.
Happy Birthday, journal!! Today marks its third year and my fourth one at Diaryland. (I had Thoughts of a Writer... {blackdawne25} before this.) Here's to hoping many more years to come. *raises goblet of Stewart's Key Lime soda in a toast*
What makes any holiday fun are the decorations, the anticipation and the activities we enjoy for them. For Halloween it is the candy, the chance to dress up as our favorite spook or character for one night of the year and to be scared silly just for fun.

Tonight, as my part of my 13 day tribute to Halloween, I'm sharing a fun quiz from Tickle.com and a decorating idea from HGTV I thought was cute. The quiz is one I took several years ago and had fun doing. 'Course, I like most anything holiday related--even with the lesser holidays. So how could I not take the Monster Match quiz? My results back then were the fun-loving, prank-pulling ghost. But tonight, after taking it again on on a whim, my results were different.

Shiloh, there's a Vampire lurking inside of you!

The vampire is your monster match--the dentally-endowed child of the night. This Halloween, take a nap during the day so you can make it from dusk till dawn. Like the Undead themselves, you demonstrate eternal youth and an appetite for living that is contagious (no biting necessary). When the sun goes down, you have an uncanny sense of where to be and when to show up.

Even if you decide to strap on the udders and dress as a dairy cow, you still have a certain suave gracefulness that permeates even the silliest of costumes. Lay off the garlic and you'll have no trouble getting that special victim back to your coffin for a little nibble. Pace yourself Vampires, you're going to need to save a little energy for the day after. Dracula can't see his reflection in the mirror, but luckily, you can. So don't forget to freshen up a little after your Halloween weekend.

Who's your Monster Match?

Hmmm, a vampire. I can deal. *nods and smiles most satisfactorily* Most definitely can I deal. The vampire happens to be my favorite "monster." I guess because of the romance and forbidden lure surrounding the Prince of Darkness and other children of the night. I forget the connection to Vlad the Impaler, the unholiness of the Undead and the bloodlust--though the blood thirst is most definitely a vampiric trait. I guess I'm like L.J. Smith and Anne Rice and millions of fans of these two authors who don't see vampires as evil. Perhaps tragic, cursed souls who are doomed to night eternal and most often, solitary existences living off the blood of other creatures, but not necessarily evil.

My match nowadays might be the mysterious, seductive, non-aging vampire, but I have to confess to certain dissimilarities between us. I am by no means graceful or good at seducing. In fact, I am quite clumsy and awkward. I am even more awkward around guys as I'm self-conscious about my appearance and what they may be thinking. *shakes head* Heaven help me when I do fall in love with the one guy who will love me for me and see past the outer exterior. I will be so lost. So flustered. I won't know what hit me.

As for the suave gracefulness despite a funny cow costume? Forget that! Though, how funny they should mention a cow costume. Come next week there's a Halloween party at the bowling alley. I guess Mom and her teammates are going and one of them is bringing one or more of her kids. I was asked if I'd like to go too, and I guess the three of them decided on all our costumes. It's been decided our team will be going as Cruella De Ville and part of the dalmations from 101 Dalmations. One of the team members will, of course, be Cruella De Ville and the rest of us will be the dogs or puppies. I have cow pajama pants (white with black spots) that could pass as dalmation spots as well that I will wear as part of my costume. What an interesting Halloween this is going to be. It's going to the dogs. *winks*

But, however, like the vampire I do demonstrate a youthfulness and have "an appetite for living," I think. Even though I'm nearly 30, Heaven help me, I am told frequently I look and sound younger than I really am. I think I mentioned this already, but the student observer under my occupational therapist thought I looked 21. People who don't personally know me think I sound young over the phone, and I have been asked numerous times if "my mommy or daddy is home." Some people will not leave a blasted message with me. *shrugs* Ah well.

And my appetite for living? I think that's been developed and has grown within the last several years. All my life growing up, partly because of my circumstances and Mom's fierce protectiveness, I was an observer...a spectator more than a player. I was like a leaf on a river; I went went with the current...wherever it took me. Some days I'm still like that, but I've grown bolder, more tenacious. And I've realized you're an empty shell if you don't live, if you don't grab what's out there to experience and make yours. We all need to experience what life has to offer--the good and the bad. How can we say we've lived truly if we don't broaden our horizons and live a well-rounded life? We can't! If we stay at home all the time and never step outside our doors then we aren't truly living.

I want to live. I want to be well-rounded as much as I'm able to be. I want to see what my potential in this world is, what it will be some years down the road. And I want to say, by the time I meet my Maker, that I truly grabbed life by the horns and lived.

My plans of living arrangements may have changed, but not my desire to get out and on with my life. I fully intend to take hold of my life despite this detour. Another, perhaps happier and a better opportunity will come my way soon enough, and this time or maybe at a later date, everything will fall into place as it should. I'll be onto the next phase of working and getting out of my comfort zone, hopefully making new friends. Yeah. At least I have some good aspects of a vampire.

And I happen to love garlic.

I picked a fun and quick decorating idea that is easy to do: sand candles.

"Sand candles are fun to make for the whole family. Paint cute designs on glass containers, fill with colored sand and insert a tea candle in the top."

Easy as 1-2-3, really. And you can do 'em for any holiday too. Cute huh? Let your imagination run wild if you're really artistically inclined.

True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about but few have seen.

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