Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
If My Dreams Ever Came True...
01-16-2006 E 9:39 p.m.
Feeling-- okay
Reading-- The Unwilling Bride by Margaret Moore
Listening to-- nothing

Edmund thought he had never seen a wilder looking man. Through he did not otherwise look very old, his hair was an untidy mop of white, his face was thin and drawn, and for clothing only a few wet rags hung about him. But what one mainly noticed were his eyes, which were so widely opened that he seemed to have no eyelids at all, and stared as if in an agony of pure fear. The moment his feet reached the deck he said:

"Fly! Fly! About with your ship and fly. Row, row, row for your lives away from this accursed shore!"

"Compose yourself," said Reepicheep, "and tell us what the danger is. We are not used to flying."

The stranger started horribly at the voice of the Mouse, which he had not noticed before.

"Nevertheless you will fly from here," he gasped. "This is the island where dreams come true."

"That's the island I've been looking for this long time," said one of the sailors. "I reckoned I'd find I was married to Nancy if we landed there."

"And I'd find Tom alive again," said another.

"Fools!" said the man, stamping his foot with rage. "That is the sort of talk that brought me here, and I'd better have been drowned or never born. Do you hear what I say? This is where dreams--dreams, do you understand?--come to life, come real. Not daydreams: dreams."

There was about a half a minutes's silence and then, with a great clatter of armour the whole crew were tumbling down the main hatch as quick as they could and flinging themselves on the oars to row as they had never rowed before; and Drinian was swinging round the tiller, and the boatswain was giving out the quickest stroke that had ever been heard at sea. For it had taken everyone just that half-minute to remember certain dreams they had had--dreams that make you afraid to go to sleep again--and to realize what it would mean to land on a country where dreams come true.

Only Reepicheep remained unmoved.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty," he said, "are you going to tolerate this mutiny, this poltroonery? This is a panic, this is a rout."

"Row, row," bellowed Caspian. "Pull for all our lives. Is her head right, Drinian? You can say what you like Reepicheep. There are some things no man can face."

"It is, then, my good fortune not to be a man," replied Reepicheep with a very stiff bow.

~The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C.S. Lewis~
Dreams that come true? Actually come true? Oh, heaven help me, if mine ever do, for mine are strange and incomplete of late. 'Course, then my trip through the Land of Dreams will prove quite...exciting with a surreal flair. I wonder...if knowing the type of dreamer I am will better prepare me if they come to life? Somehow, I get the uncomfortable feeling that it won't...

*thinking back on a number of disturbing dreams I've had in the past, I quickly amend my earlier plea* Heaven help the world if any of my dreams ever came true.


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