Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Creative Dusting Service
01-28-2006 E 7:57 p.m.
Feeling-- good
Reading-- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Listening to-- nothing

"Contemplate how to undertake a thorough cleaning of your creative house, ready for the [Chinese] New Year. How will you decorate your house in preparation for the arrival of your Muse?"

Staring at the gold caligraphy on the small red square of parchment paper in my hand I pondered this new assignment from the Enchantress. The word magic came to mind.

"Magic," I muttered as I crossed the room to sit before my trusty new computer. "I wonder..."

Googling, I've found, gives you interesting results, sometimes completely unexpected ones at that. I typed in "magic dusting" and hit Enter, wondering if anything would show up. The first three or four pages revealed nothing out of the ordinary, only the urls for different cleaning and maid services. Very disappointing. Tamping down that emotion as well as the budding frustration I felt, I tried the fifth page, thinking that if its results were more of the same I'd try a different key phrase.

But three urls from the bottom I was stopped in my tracks, so to speak. There on the screen before my eyes, in blue hyperlink letters, was the title: "Creative Dusting Service." Below the link the brief description read:

Intrigued I clicked the link to have a look. Beneath the logo was this advertisement:

Quirking both eyebrows I mouthed the word elves as I read the ad. Oookkaayy... I love fairy tales, legends and myths and the very thought of most things fantastic, such as elves, but really--elves making themselves this well-known to humans? In a menial capacity? And on the Internet to boot?

Surely this had to be a gimmick...but what if it wasn't? Chewing on my lower lip, I stared at the screen for several minutes as I debated. To call or not to call, that was the question. Rolling my chair over to the nightstand by my bed I snatched up the phone and dialed before I had time for second thoughts.

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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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